

Computer Network and Systems Engineer: Path to Australian PR


Computer Network and System Engineers play an essential role in today’s digital environment, from planning, developing, deploying, testing, optimizing network services to configuration management of multi-operating system environments and troubleshooting problems to fault finding for networks. They specialize in optimizing network services ranging from planning development deployment testing optimisation. ANZSCO 263111 Engineers specialize in all of these activities as they create innovative ways of creating innovative network services with maximum return.

Computer Network and Systems Engineer, ANZSCO 262111, RPL

Skill level

Level 1

Computer Network and System Engineer careers typically require an ANZSCO Skill Level 1 for success, while Computer Network Professional careers generally require at least a bachelor’s degree in computer science, information technology, or a related field. Certifications like Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA), Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), or Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) may help demonstrate your knowledge. Strong logical problem-solving abilities as well as knowledge regarding network procedures and technology will likely be essential to achieve this position successfully.

Skill Assessment Authority

ACS(Australian Computer Society)

The Australian Computer Society (ACS) is the professional organization that represents the technology for communication and information (ICT) sector in Australia. The ACS serves as a platform for information and communication technology (ICT) professionals to network, broaden their knowledge, and exchange beneficial perspectives.


  • Computer Network Engineer
  • Computer Systems Integrator

On the Occupation Lists

  • Combined Skilled Occupations List (STSOL MLTSSL)
  • Medium Long Term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL)
  • RSMS Occupations List (RSMSL)

Not on the Occupation Lists

  • 457-Labor Market Testing Required(LMTL)
  • Short-Term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL)

Occupation under 2631 category

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Job outlooks for ANZSCO 262111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer

Weekly Earning

$ 2021 AUD

Growth upcoming 5 year

Very strong

Gender share

16% female

84% male

Average full-time

42 hours

Skill level rating

High Skill

Average Age

Male: 41

Female: 47

Persons: 42



Visa Provision ANZSCO 262111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer

Skilled occupation

Computer Network and Systems Engineer



Assessing authority


189 visa

190 visa






482(TSS medium term)

494(Regional sponsored)


English Requirement For ANZSCO 262111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer

English language test

Overall score

Minimum score



Minimum 6 (learning, reading, writing), 7 speaking 



Minimum B in all sections



Learning: 12

Reading :13

Writing: 21

Speaking: 23



50(learning, reading, writing), 65 in speaking

Qualification for ANZSCO 262111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer

  • Most professions in this category need a bachelor’s degree in information technology, computer science, or related fields.
  • Additionally, a minimum of 5 years of relevant work experience and vendor credentials may be substituted over the required qualification. 
  • In some cases, applicable work experience and hands-on training might be needed in addition to a formal education. 
  • Certifications such as Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA), Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), and Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) may be beneficial.

Task performed by ANZSCO 262111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer

  • Conducting an analysis, development, interpretation, and evaluation of intricate system design and architecture specifications, data models, and diagrams in the context of computer system development, configuration, and integration.
  • Conducting research, analysis, evaluation, and monitoring of network infrastructure to guarantee that it is configured to operate at its best.
  • Evaluating and suggesting enhancements to network operations and integrated hardware, software, communications, and operating systems.
  • Supporting and troubleshooting network emergencies and issues with specialized expertise.
  • The installation, configuration, testing, maintenance, and administration of new and upgraded networks, software database applications, servers, and workstations.
  • Providing network programming to meet the specific demands and requirements of a particular business.
  • The preparation and maintenance of procedures and documentation for network inventory, the recording of diagnosis and resolution of network faults, enhancements, modifications to networks, and maintenance instructions. 
  • The continuous integrity and optimal network performance are guaranteed by the monitoring of network traffic, activity, capacity, and usage.


  • Some territories and states in Australia make exemptions for recent graduates, whereas others face particular criteria defined on the Priority Skilled Lists.
  • Candidates from the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, the United States, and Ireland are not required to take the IELTS or OET tests.
  • However, for careers requiring licensing or registration, applicants must show an acceptable English proficiency level that meets both the licensing/registration criteria and the required IELTS (or equivalent) level.

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If you have any questions or concerns about your ANZSCO, reach out to cdr australia engineer at any time. Our qualified professionals can be reached 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to offer you all the guidance and assistance you need. We are focused on providing dependable and timely guidance to help you accomplish your goals.


Finally, the maintenance and development of computer networks and systems are essential responsibilities of ANZSCO 263111 Computer Network and Systems Engineers. By designing, troubleshooting, and enhancing network systems, these professionals make a substantial contribution to organizational efficiency and innovation. The role of ANZSCO 262111 Computer Network and Systems Engineers will become increasingly significant as technology continues to evolve, making it a prospective and rewarding career path for individuals who are interested in the dynamic field of information technology.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q. What does ANZSCO 263111 Computer Network and Systems Engineers do?

Computer Network and Systems Engineers develop, build, and upkeep computer networks and systems. They ensure the proper operation of technological facilities, resolve problems with the network, and carry out solutions to improve performance and security.

Q. What qualifications are required for the position of an ANZSCO 263111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer?

Usually, a bachelor’s degree in computer science, information technology, or another related field is necessary. Furthermore, professional certifications including Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) or CompTIA Network+ can boost credentials.

Q. What are the necessary skills for a ANZSCO 263111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer?

Expertise in protocols for networks and technology, a solid ability to solve problems, understanding of cybersecurity rules, excellent interpersonal abilities, and management of project capabilities are all essential.

Q. What are the career options for ANZSCO 263111 Computer network and systems engineer?

The requirement for ANZSCO 263111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer is expected to remain high, with opportunities in a variety of industries. Skilled professionals in this field may advance to positions that include Network Architect, Systems Administrator, or IT Manager.

Q. How can I prepare to work as an ANZSCO 263111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer?

To prepare for this career, prioritize obtaining appropriate degrees and certifications, acquiring hands-on experience through internships or entry-level positions, staying up to date on emerging technologies, and constantly improving your skills through training and professional development opportunities.

Basic RPL Pricing Plan



AUD $600

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AUD $900

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