

ANZSCO 261112 System Analyst: Career Detail | Requirement

System Analysts help firms transition digitally by evaluating, creating, and deploying information systems. ANZSCO 261112 System analysts help firms navigate the challenges of transitioning to the digital age while connecting technology with business objectives. Their responsibilities include completing requirements analysis to get a thorough understanding of stakeholder demands, developing successful systems, and supervising the implementation process.

Furthermore, system analysts basically evaluate current systems and recommend enhancements that improve both performance and efficiency. They use their analytical and technical skills to help firms adapt to technological changes while remaining competitive. System analysts bridge the gap between corporate objectives and technological solutions, promoting innovation while also ensuring operational success.

ANZSCO 261112 System Analyst analyzing IT systems for business efficiency and Australian PR pathways.

Skill Level: Level 1

Based on the ANZSCO Skill Level Classification, positions within this unit group in Australia and New Zealand typically require a skill level equivalent to a bachelor’s degree or higher. A minimum of 5 years of relevant work experience or vendor certification could be sufficient without a formal degree. Related experience, practical instruction, and formal qualifications may be required.

Skill Assessment Authority

  • Australian Computer Society (ACS)


  • Business System Analyst

Alternative Titles

  • BA (ICT)
  • Business consultant (ICT)

Occupation Lists Overview

These lists categorize skilled occupations in Australia to address labor shortages and guide migration.

On the Occupation Lists

Not on the Occupation Lists

  • 457-Labour Market Testing Required 
  • The Short-Term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL)

Occupation under the 2611 Category

  • ICT Business Analyst 261111
  • System Analyst 261112

Job Outlooks for ANZSCO 261112 System Analyst

Weekly Earning

AUD 2274

Work full-time hours


Growth Upcoming 5-year

Very Strong

Gender Share

36% Female

74% Male

Average Full-time

42 Hours

Skill Level Rating

Very high skill

Average Age

Male: 40

Female: 39

Persons: 40



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ANZSCO 261112 ICT System Analyst Visa Provision

Skilled Occupation

System Analyst



Assessing Authority


189 Visa


190 Visa




491 (Family)


491 (State)


186 (Direct)


407 (Training)


482 (TSS Medium Term)


494 (Regional Sponsored)


English Requirement For ANZSCO 261112 System Analyst

English Language Test

Overall Score

Minimum Score



6 in learning, reading, and writing, and 7 in speaking 



B in all sections



Learning: 12


Writing: 21

Speaking: 23



50 in learning, reading, and writing, and 65 in speaking

Qualification for ANZSCO 261112 System Analyst

  • Bachelor’s or higher degree in information technology (IT), computer science, business information systems, or a closely associated field.
  • A formal qualification may be substituted with a minimum of 5 years of relevant work experience and vendor certification.
  • On-the-job training might be needed in some cases.

Tasks Performed by ANZSCO 261112 System Analyst

  • Working with users to determine and demonstrate business requirements.
  • Determine, investigate, and analyze company activities, processes, and work procedures.
  • Identify and assess ineffectiveness and recommend best practices for business operations, system performance, and actions.
  • They utilize methodologies, rules, and techniques to create project plans, estimate costs and resources, and control them.
  • Responsible for deploying practical solutions, such as developing, implementing, and executing system test plans to guarantee the system’s integrity and quality.
  • They create user and instruction documentation, as well as provide formal training classes.
  • They create functional guidelines for system developers to utilize.
  • They utilize information and procedure modeling methods to develop precise software development and design system requirements.


  • There are exceptions for Australian graduates in some states and territories.
  • Where mandatory licensing or registration is needed, you must show a level of English sufficient to meet the licensing/registration requirements or at least an IELTS or comparable level, whichever is higher.
  • In some states and territories, Priority Skilled Lists may include specific requirements.
  • The United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, the United States, and Ireland cannot submit IELTS or OET scores.


Businesses will always need technology to support their day-to-day operations; therefore, having an ANZSCO 261112 System Analyst on staff is essential to ensuring IT efforts are successful. These professionals develop technological options, ensure they meet company goals, and help the business succeed. System analysts are fundamental in dealing with complicated problems in the digital world because their jobs are constantly changing. System analysts play an important role in shaping organizations’ futures in the digital age, whether they optimize current processes or lead the deployment of emerging technologies.

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Remember Us

If you have any questions or need support with the ANZSCO 261112 System Analyst job, please get in touch with the experienced professionals at CDREngineersAustralia. We specialize in advising and supporting experts in systems analysis. Our team of experts is here to help with any questions about career growth, skill assessments, or employment opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the purpose of the 261112 ANZSCO?

They communicate with IT experts and company stakeholders to ensure that technology solutions meet the company’s goals and operational needs.

What qualifications are required of an ANZSCO 261112 System Analyst?

It is necessary to have analytical abilities, effective communication, technical knowledge, problem-solving abilities, and project management abilities. System analysts must analyze complex business processes, communicate effectively with various customers, understand technology, and handle indications efficiently.

What career options are offered to systems analysts?

Systems Analysts can work in various industries, such as IT advisory companies, software engineering companies, government departments, and financial institutions. They may advance to senior positions like Business Analyst, IT Project Manager, and Systems Architect.

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