

MSA Booklet: Guide for Successful Skills Assessment

Engineers Australia offers the (Migration Skills Assessment) MSA Booklet as a comprehensive guide for engineers wishing to have their qualifications and skills assessed for migration purposes. It contains comprehensive instructions on preparing a Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) and detailing the entire assessment process. The MSA Booklet is an invaluable resource for engineers hoping to migrate to Australia, containing all the information and guidance they require in order to submit an accurate CDR application. By adhering to its instructions and tips, applicants can ensure their qualifications and experiences match Engineers Australia standards effectively.

Are You an Engineer Searching for Work in Australia? If so, Engineer Australia’s Migration Skill Assessment Booklet should be well known to you. Engineer Australia uses their MSA Booklet Migration Skill Assessment exam to evaluate candidates and work histories. This exam must be passed to be considered qualified in Australia, as it serves as Australia’s official body responsible for overseeing quality MSA booklets.

This page contains all the information necessary to prepare paperwork to move to Australia.

Engineers Australia MSA Booklet cover page showcasing skills assessment guide for engineers migrating to Australia.

Skill Assessment Guidelines for Australia

Skill assessment is a key element of Australia’s skilled migration programs, and Engineers Australia (EA) serves as the designated assessor for engineers seeking to migrate here. 

Engineers Australia recently revised its MSA Booklet to provide engineers with all of the material needed for skill assessment exams, organized into five sections containing vital information.

The Four Sections of the MSA Booklet

  1. Section A: This section describes Engineers Australia’s skill evaluation procedure, beginning with the requirements, fees, online method, assessment process, and assessment results.
  2. Section B: All of the information needed for the candidate to select a skill evaluation pathway is supplied here.
  3. Section C: This section contains everything you need to know about writing a flawless CDR report.
  4. Section D: This section describes other evaluation services.

Tips for a Successful Assessment

  • Complete Preparation: Make sure all documentation is accurate and properly formatted by carefully reading the guidelines.
  • Original Content: Avoid plagiarism by creating original content for the CDR.
  • Detailed Descriptions: Detail engineering tasks and personal contributions during career episodes in detail.
  • Professional Presentation: Ensure the CDR is well-organized, professionally presented, and free of grammatical errors.

Migration Skill Assessment Pathways

Engineers Australia provides two different Migration Skill Assessment Booklets:

  1. Accredited Qualification
  2. Non-Accredited Qualification

Engineers Australia recognizes or authorizes degrees, thus enabling candidates to apply under our registration system. Candidates must provide copies of their educational qualifications, transcripts and any necessary academic papers as proof.

Engineers Australia only recognizes degrees as eligible qualifications in its Accredited Qualification Category; otherwise, you must prepare and send a CDR report of top quality to Engineers Australia for consideration.

Five Migration Skill Assessment Pathways accredited by Engineer Australia are given below:

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CDRaustraliaengineer specialises in high-quality CDR, RPL and VETASSESS reports for engineers. CDRaustraliaengineer offer low-cost, customized and reliable services in diverse engineering disciplines.

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Emma Mehta

"Skill Assessment Expert"

Competency Demonstration Report (CDR)

You must provide a high-quality CDR report; when a candidate does not have a degree recognized by Engineers Australia, Here are a few items to consider while preparing the CDR, which are also included in the MSA booklet. The candidate must write a high-quality and unique CPD statement, career episode, and summary statement.

1. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) 

The CPD is a vital component that demonstrates the applicant’s current status in their engineering area post-undergraduate study. You must submit a table containing the title, date, length, location, and organizer.  

Each course certificate must be included in your CPD listing, but no more than one A4 page.

2. Career Episode 

In a career episode, the applicant describes how they use their abilities and expertise on the job. Candidates should prepare three career episodes, each demonstrating how they applied their engineering knowledge and skills to the specified employment.

3. Summary Statement 

The summary statement summarizes three career occurrences. Candidates can find example summary statements in Engineer Australia’s MSA guide.

Skill Assessment Process

1. Overview of the Skill Assessment Process

  • Purpose: The skill assessment determines if an individual’s engineering qualifications and professional experience meet the standards for skilled migration to Australia.
  • Assessment Pathways: There are different pathways for assessment based on the applicant’s qualifications and experience.

2. Eligibility Criteria

  • Accredited Qualifications: Applicants with engineering qualifications accredited under international agreements (such as the Washington Accord, Sydney Accord, or Dublin Accord) have a streamlined assessment process.
  • Non-Accredited Qualifications: Applicants with qualifications that are not accredited must demonstrate their competencies through a Competency Demonstration Report (CDR).

3. Competency Demonstration Report (CDR)

  • Purpose: The CDR demonstrates that the applicant has the necessary skills and experience to meet the required standards.
  • Components:
    • Continuing Professional Development (CPD): A list of activities to maintain and improve skills and knowledge.
    • Three Career Episodes: Detailed accounts of engineering tasks/projects demonstrating competency in the chosen engineering discipline.
    • Summary Statement: A summary linking the career episodes to the competencies required by Engineers Australia.

4. Application Process

  • Online Application: Applications are submitted online through the Engineers Australia website.
  • Documents Required: Certified copies of academic transcripts, degree certificates, employment references, and identity documents.
  • Fees: The assessment fee varies depending on the type of application and the assessment pathway chosen.

5. Writing the CDR

  • Format and Structure: Each career episode should be written in essay format, following a specific structure (Introduction, Background, Personal Engineering Activity, Summary).
  • Content Guidelines: The career episodes should focus on the applicant’s role and contributions to engineering projects.
  • Language and Style: The CDR must be written in clear, correct Australian English.

6. Submission Guidelines

  • Electronic Submission: All documents, including the CDR, must be submitted electronically through the online application system.
  • Document Certification: An authorized official must certify all copies of original documents.
  • Translation of Documents: If the original documents are not in English, they must be accompanied by certified translations.

7. Assessment Criteria

  • Competency Standards: Engineers Australia assesses the CDR against the competency standards for the relevant occupational category (Professional Engineer, Engineering Technologist, Engineering Associate, Engineering Manager).
  • Outcome: The assessment outcome will indicate whether the applicant’s qualifications and experience meet the required standards.

8. Assessment Timeframe

  • Processing Time: The typical processing time for a skills assessment application is 10-12 weeks. Additional fees may be charged for expedited processing. 

9. After the Assessment

  • Assessment Outcome: The outcome letter will detail whether the qualifications and experience have been positively assessed.
  • Appeals: If an applicant disagrees with the assessment outcome, they can request a review or appeal the decision.

10. Additional Services

  • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): For applicants without formal qualifications, RPL may be used to demonstrate competencies.
  • Engineering Occupation List: Engineers Australia provides a list of engineering occupations that are in demand and eligible for migration.

Looking for expert CDR Writer for Engineers Australia?

Creating a CDR Report may be difficult due to Engineers Australia’s standards and rules ( EA ). Our experienced engineers have assisted many people in obtaining approval for their report from the EA via the use of powerful projects.


Engineers Australia offers the Migration Skills Assessment (MSA) Booklet as a user-friendly resource to engineers seeking to migrate to Australia. It contains comprehensive guidance for conducting assessments and creating the Competency Demonstration Report (CDR), which is essential for those with non-accredited qualifications. Engineers Australia strives to make the assessment process as comfortable and user-friendly as possible with this user-friendly assessment method. Immunity The MSA booklet contains guidelines that may assist applicants in meeting Engineers Australia’s requirements for professional experience and qualifications. This thorough guide has been created to help engineers easily navigate through every assessment step, from choosing an assessment pathway and comprehending eligibility requirements to putting together a strong CDR report.

This booklet addresses key subjects related to document certification, translation services, assessment criteria, processing timelines and appeals processes, and instructions for filling out and submitting the CDR form.

Engineers Australia recognizes various qualifications through international agreements such as the Washington Accord, Sydney Accord and Dublin Accord that offer simplified assessment processes for accredited qualifications. CDR remains a crucial tool for demonstrating competence for non-accredited qualifications.

Aspiring migrants play a crucial role in their migration journey. People aspiring to migrate should carefully prepare their documentation, ensure the content of CDR reports is original, and present them professionally if possible. Doing this increases the chances of getting an effective assessment result and helps facilitate easier migration journeys to Australia.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long does it take to complete the MSA process?

The MSA process typically takes 4-6 months to complete.

What are the fees for the MSA process?

Fees associated with applying for MSA vary based on which pathway is being pursued; please visit the Engineers Australia website for further details on fees.

What can I do if I am not satisfied with the outcome of my MSA assessment?

If you are unhappy with the outcome of your MSA assessment, you have the option of appealing or reviewing. Please visit the Engineers Australia website for additional details regarding review and appeal procedures.