

RPL for Computer Engineers: Guide to Australian Migration

Are you a qualified computer engineer looking for opportunities outside your current workplace? You’re in luck if you have extensive experience and seek equal-valued possibilities. Employers in Australia place a high value on computer engineering abilities. Because of a lack of home-grown expertise, they are looking for experienced engineers outside  Australia. But first, they must obtain a legitimate certification demonstrating their proficiency in their industry – “Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Skill Assessment”. This article will examine how RPL for Computer Engineers can help you obtain an Australian Permanent Residency (PR).

RPL for Computer Engineers Australia Skills Assessment for Migration Success.

Why Are Computer Engineers in High Demand in Australia?

Computer Engineering is a diverse field. You can’t name a single industry or field which does not have hands in computer engineering or subsequent fields. Some more common reasons as to why computer engineers are in high demand in Australia are: 

  • Computer engineers play a vital role in driving economic growth.
  • Healthcare, finance, and manufacturing all depend on them.
  • Australia currently faces a shortage of highly skilled computer engineers.

Concerning this, Australia is taking steps to make immigration for computer engineers easier. Now, we will turn our focus back to our blog’s primary goal: The RPL Report.

RPL: Australian PR for Computer Network and Systems Engineer

Engineers Australia (EA) requires Engineers Australia members to submit a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). This document allows foreign Computer Engineers seeking employment in Australia to highlight their skills, knowledge, and experience so EA can assess whether you fit within its job market.

What Does an RPL for Computer Engineers Consist Of?

Your RPL submission should follow a structured format, comprising:

Section 1: Body of ICT/Computer Engineering Knowledge

Core ICT Knowledge

Professionalism as it Applies in ICT

ICT Fundamentals

Professional ICT Ethics

ICT Infrastructure

Impact of ICT

Information and Data Science Engineering

Working Individually and in ICT development teams

Computational Science and Engineering

Professional Communication

Application Systems

The Professional ICT Practitioner

Cyber Security


ICT Projects


ICT Management and Governance


When completing Section 1, remember:

  • Clearly explain how your experience and qualifications align with chosen categories/topics.
  • Illustrate your depth of knowledge concisely.
  • Limit each explanation to no more than one to one and a half pages.

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CDRaustraliaengineer specialises in high-quality CDR, RPL and VETASSESS reports for engineers. CDRaustraliaengineer offer low-cost, customized and reliable services in diverse engineering disciplines.

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Emma Mehta

"Skill Assessment Expert"

Section 2: Crafting In-Depth Project Reports

In Section 2, you have the opportunity to showcase your in-depth knowledge through project reports. You’re required to provide two reports, each relating to a significant project from your professional ICT career. One report must be from the last three years and the other from the last five years.

Project Report Template

Project 1: 

  • Project Summary:
    • Identification, Duration, Resources
    • Your Personal Involvement
  • Business Opportunity/Problem:
    • Addressed issue or opportunity.
  • Solution:
    • Your contribution and methods.
  • Results:
    • Solution implementation, project’s outcome.

    Project 2:

  • Project Summary:
      • Identification, Duration, Resources
      • Your Personal Involvement
  • Business Opportunity/Problem:
    • Addressed issue or opportunity.
  • Solution:
    • Your contribution and methods.
  • Results:
    • Solution implementation, project’s outcome.


  • Showcase your involvement and depth of knowledge.
  • Use the first person language and try to avoid using plagiarized content.
  • Focus on quality rather than quantity, with each report around four to five pages.

How can a well-made RPL for computer engineers increase your chances of getting Australian PR?

Embracing an RPL submission offers numerous advantages:

  • Meeting EA’s Guidelines: RPL aligns with EA’s expectations, presenting your suitability for the Australian job market.
  • Showcasing Technical Proficiency: Your RPL highlights your technical prowess, reinforcing your ability to excel in Computer Engineering roles.
  • Exuding Professionalism: An RPL underscores your commitment to your profession and demonstrates your dedication to continuous growth.
  • Boosting Employability: RPL enhances your attractiveness to potential employers, making you a compelling choice for their teams.

*Note: (Skilled independent visa, abbreviated as a migration visa, requires an RPL submission).

Looking for expert CDR Writer for Engineers Australia?

Creating a CDR Report may be difficult due to Engineers Australia’s standards and rules ( EA ). Our experienced engineers have assisted many people in obtaining approval for their report from the EA via the use of powerful projects.


RPL for Computer Engineers provides the pathway to Australian Permanent Residency. In Australia’s computer-driven industry, skilled professionals are in great demand and the demand is huge. Australian immigration pathways can be beneficial, particularly those who submit a well-crafted RPL that demonstrates your skills and work experience – something Engineers Australia (EA) provides guidance with. Putting forth effort on creating RPL can secure Australia PR status.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the ANZSCO Code for Computer Engineers in Australia?

The ANZSCO Code for Computer Engineers is 263111. This code classifies occupations and determines eligibility for visas and immigration programs.

What are the PR points for computer engineering in Australia 2023?

To qualify for migration visas (Subclass 189 and Subclass 190), applicants typically require at least 65 PR points based on factors like age, work experience, skills assessment (RPL), English proficiency and more.

How can I secure a job sponsorship as a Computer Engineer in Australia?

As a Computer Engineer in Australia, gaining sponsorship requires finding an employer willing to sponsor your visa application or applying for an independent skilled visa, which doesn’t need sponsorship. An RPL (Request for Preliminary Learning) document is necessary.